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publications 2010/04/15 11:38 publications 2010/04/15 11:39 current
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==== 2010 ==== ==== 2010 ====
-  * Pellens, B., De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F.: "CoDePA Studio: Adding Explicit Support for Behavior Variants in Authoring Games", Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology (CGAT 2010), pp. 151-158, Eds. Edmond Prakash, Publ. APTF, Singapore, Singapore (2010)+  * Pellens, B., De Troyer, O., Kleinermann, F.: "CoDePA Studio: Adding Explicit Support for Behavior Variants in Authoring Games", Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technology (CGAT 2010), pp. 151-158, Publ. APTF, Singapore, Singapore (2010)
-  * Pellens, B., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: "An Approach Facilitating 3D/VR System Development Using Behavior Design Patterns", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems, pp. 17-24, Eds. Marc Erich Latoschik, Dirk Reiners, Roland Blach, Pablo Figueroa and Raimund Dachselt, Publ. Shaker Verlag, Boston, USA (2010)+  * Pellens, B., Kleinermann, F., De Troyer, O.: "An Approach Facilitating 3D/VR System Development Using Behavior Design Patterns", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Engineering and Architectures for Realtime Interactive Systems, pp. 17-24, Publ. Shaker Verlag, Boston, USA (2010)